Makers League: SPORTECH
The global sports industry is valued at a staggering $620 billion, with soccer and basketball commanding immense popularity and economic influence. However, challenges and opportunities for improvement remain across various aspects of these sports. Makers are challenged to leverage science and technology to revolutionize the world of soccer and basketball. Develop groundbreaking solutions that address key areas like player performance, equipment design, fan engagement, and athlete safety. Push the boundaries of innovation to enhance these beloved sports for players, fans, and the entire sports ecosystem, contributing to a more dynamic and technologically advanced future for the industry.
To design or build a new service or product, teams can use the human-centered Design Thinking approach. If a team decides to redesign or improve an existing product or system, they must use the Whole System & Life Cycle Thinking sustainable design approach. Teams must present a model of their innovation and describe their team process. Teams who chose to program a device as part of their model have the option of using the software solution they are most comfortable with. Teams must present a model of their innovation, and describe their team process as part of the judging process.
Challenge Deliverables
- The team should have a maximum of 4 members and a minimum of 2. They should be in hight school.
- Submit the Design Thinking process or the Whole System & Life Cycle Thinking process you did.
- Create a poster (in French or English) to present at PARC
- Make a 5 to 7 minute presentation (in French or English) to present to PARC.
- L'équipe doit être composée d'un maximum de 4 membres et d'un minimum de 2. Ils doivent être au lycée.
- Soumettez le processus de Design Thinking ou le processus Whole System & Life Cycle Thinking que vous avez suivi.
- Créer une affiche (en français ou en anglais) pour présenter au PARC
- Faire une présentation de 5 à 7 minutes (en français ou en anglais) à présenter au PARC.
Teams will be judged on each of the following deliverables on a scale of 0-10:
- Description of Design Thinking or Whole Systems & Life Cycle Thinking Process (content, aesthetic/organization)
- Model (idea, imagination, creativity, aesthetics, workmanship, within budget)
- Presentation (content, clarity, team work)
- Poster (content, aesthetic/organization)
Each deliverable will receive a score of (10)- Exemplary, (8)- Competent, (6)- Developing, (4)- Marginal, (2)-Needs Major Support.
The portfolio should include an expense sheet documenting all costs related to the model. Expenses may not exceed $200 USD. Teams should be prepared to answer questions about their portfolio from the judges. The team loses 1 point from their score for every dollar over $200.
Teams must submit an electronic copy of their portfolio to by 20th July 2024 and bring a physical copy to PARC. Every day that the submission is late, the team loses 1 point per day from their score.